South Street to Kennett Bike Park (Parrish Trail)
This community led initiative, which includes Brandywine Red Clay Alliance (BRC), Bike Kennett, Kennett Township, the Borough of Kennett Square, and GreenRoots Landscaping, will develop a Conceptual Master Plan for the property, tying together the Kennett Bike Park, the Kennett Greenway, and the restoration of the Lower West Branch of the Red Clay Creek.
The 37-acre Parrish Property, which is owned by the Borough of Kennett Square, is located at the edge of Kennett Township bordered by West South Street, Scarlet Road, and West Hillendale Road.
Within the property boundary is the existing Parrish Trail, which was recently completed to Greenway specification from West South Street to the Kennett Bike Park location.
After stream restoration is implemented, Kennett Trails Alliance will spearhead the completion of the Kennett Greenway on the southern half of the Parrish property according to the alignment identified in a to-be-completed Conceptual Master Plan.
Stream Restoration: Cut back streambanks, reforestation, increased habitat, increased flood capacity.
Habitat Restoration Assessment and Design: Parties would work with biologists to assess existing forest and meadow habitats, establish goals for habitat restoration and receive recommendations on specific habitat restoration activities such as native meadow plantings, tree planting, nest boxes and monitoring.
Kennett Bike Park: The pilot phase of the Kennett Bike Park, which includes a pump track, is under construction and expected to be completed soon. However, there is significant public support for additional bike skill courses and other features and amenities, which will be determined in the Conceptual Master Plan.
Reforestation: Planting of native trees as part of the reforestation of the property’s existing wetland forest that has been devastated by the emerald ash borer. The plan would also address the planting of native riparian buffers along the West Branch of the Red Clay Creek and conversion of an existing field farmed for hay into a natural meadow habitat.
STATUS: Complete
Project Work:
Completion of greenway trail to specification
Project Partners
Project Support
This project is made possible through matching grant funds provided by Kennett Trails Alliance and the Brandywine Creek Greenway Mini-grants program. Additional support for the Lower West Branch Red Clay Creek Watershed Restoration Plan is provided by Brandywine Red Clay Alliance.